AR points
14 May 1940


All rights on the photographs belong to Stadsarchief Rotterdam.

All rights on the intellectual property, such as the web design, logos and maps as well as any other additional intellectual property belongs to Studio Comrades. All rights of the written texts and texts provided belong to Studio Comrades. It is not permitted to copy, download, publish, distribute or reproduce any of Studio Comrades intellectual property, without written permission of Studio Comrades. You are allowed to print and use the information provided for your personal use.

We aim and strive to provide correct and up-to-date information, however it can not be guaranteed that the information and service provided is correct on date of access or over time. Therefore no rights can be deduced from both the website and the map.

This website may contain links to other websites or services. Studio Comrades is not responsible for any of this content, websites and services, nor the terms and conditions or cookie and privacy policies of these third parties.

Studio Comrades can not be held responsible for any damage resulted by or in connection with the use of the service, the route or any other provided information. You are responsible at all times for your own safety, please be mindful of your surroundings and traffic while walking the route, and always locate towards a safe spot when using the service provided.

The use of the website, route and map are free and may not be (re-)sold by any commercial or non-commercial party or organisation, or used for any other commercial purposes.

When using the website and AR route, you might be subject to costs of your internet provider. Studio Comrades can’t be held accountable for any costs arising from data usage or any other costs made.

The route and walking route was made with the highest intention of precision and accessibility, however the route in the future might be subject to changes like construction work or detours out of the control of Studio Comrades. Studio Comrades can’t be held responsible for the accessibility of streets and locations while walking the route.

By using the services provided by Studio Comrades, the user agrees to the terms and conditions stated. We cannot accept any liability in any form or way.

Please use any of the contact options provided if you have any questions, remarks, comments, suggestions or feedback.